For some of you, fun is the last thing you think of when you encounter our little friends who have recently come to the surface of our planet. But I’ve enjoyed watching and listening to them over the last several weeks, and we’ve had some good laughs about them at our Pastor’s meetings, too. We’ve had some pretty good three- and four-point sermons come to light about our new friends, but I’ll let them share those with you.

Here are just a few quick hits from me as I consider what I might learn from “Fun with Cicadas.” 

Cicada’s are both patient and persistent. They are patient as they have waited all these years beneath the earth for the right moment to spring forth. But man, are they persistent now that they’ve emerged? I’ve heard several stories of you trying to get them off your person or out of your car. I’ve had the same experience. I have a green shirt that they seem to like more than me! To Kim’s surprise, one rode into a restaurant with me last week and surprised her as we sat down to eat, and it crawled over my shoulder to look around. She gave him a quick thump, and off he flew to terrorize everyone else.

 Cicadas are not afraid to SING OUT! It’s been quite a song at our house and the TBA Office. Here’s a funny note–the males are making all the noise! In all my years of pastoring, the percentage of guys that like to sing out has usually been small. Men, we need to learn from these strange bugs and sing out so the world can hear our praise. At least, let’s make a joyful noise! 

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. (Psalm 5:11)

Cicadas leave something behind. As they shed their skin, they leave their mark on their territory. I pray I am living in such a way that I will leave something behind that’s of more value than an old shell. Our lives, though not as short as a Cicada’s, are short, so we must purposefully live for God’s Glory. We must live to provide direction, instruction, and inspiration for the generation following us.

Cicada’s work together! Take notice that they’ve all come out at the same time. Take notice that one or two don’t quite sound as loud as millions joining together with their song. Take notice that God made them this way for a purpose. I know our lives are busy and complicated. What if we became so passionate to see God glorified that we made the time, pulled closer together, and worked together? What if our loud and persistent song was the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What if we loved others as God does so that it would leave a lasting imprint on them? I think lost and hurting people would take notice, and the Kingdom of God would welcome many new believers. 

Have some fun and be like a Cicada! 

           You are loved!

Bro. Andy