Monday, October 18 11:00 AM

Troup Baptist Association

1301 Washington Street, LaGrange GA

The Administration Team has set the Annual Meeting date for 2021 as October 18th at 11am at the association office.  As last year, we will only conduct the bare-minimum of business.  We are combining this meeting with our Monday Morning Pastors Prayer Fellowship.  We will hear Dr. Paul Baxter preach.  Then we will enjoy a Sloppy Pig Barbeque lunch afterwards.  (No costs!)
The documents you will be voting on will be uploaded to the association web site a few days prior to the meeting.  You will be advised how to access them.
I need for you to do two things:
1:  Please forward/share and make the appropriate people in your church aware of this.
2:  Please RSVP Angela Maddux with how many will attend from your church, so we can provide Sloppy Pig a head count for lunch.  (706.884.1975 or
I hope to see all Messengers and Pastors at the Annual Meeting!
Bro. Aaron McCollough