Fun with Cicadas

Fun with Cicadas

For some of you, fun is the last thing you think of when you encounter our little friends who have recently come to the surface of our planet. But I’ve enjoyed watching and listening to them over the last several weeks, and we’ve had some good laughs about...
Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

In light of the end of another school year and moving toward the close of many of our church ministries for the year as we head into summer, I have been reminded in scripture of God’s provision for the seasons in life.I’m encouraged to think that God is...
Resurrection Living

Resurrection Living

April Showers bring May flowers! I saw the header picture above, loved it, and had to use it for this month’s Messenger. Kim and I had a fun afternoon at Callaway Gardens, viewing the tulips a few weeks ago. Last year, we waited too late and missed it. But this year...


I love it when a word captures my attention. I’m not entirely sure why it happens, but I’ve learned that God usually tries to teach me something when it does, so I spend some time listening and learning. It happened again a few weeks ago. The word this time is...

Keep In Step With the Spirit

In the book of Galatians, the Bible gives powerful instructions on “walking in the Spirit.” I think in terms of pictures so my word picture for that phrase is a group of people marching “IN STEP.” It’s a beautiful thing to see a well-rehearsed marching band walking in...
Putting God First Means Trusting God Most

Putting God First Means Trusting God Most

THE PROBLEM is a lack of trust. In Genesis 2:15-17 we see God telling Adam and Eve, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”” ...