The Greatest Day in History!

This month we will celebrate the Greatest Day in History! It’s the day Jesus was brought back to life. The day that the stone was rolled away and our resurrected SAVIOR came out of the tomb in VICTORY! But as you think about this great day, remember that it wasn’t just a stand-alone great day, it was made possible by the events of the week that had just passed. 

Several years ago I was convicted that, like many other people who love Easter, I rushed to the amazing events of Easter morning without realizing the pain, agony, and suffering of the days leading up to it. I mean, who doesn’t love the new clothes, fancy fixings, egg hunts, deviled eggs, and chocolate bunnies of a good ole Easter celebration. But living on this side of those historic events doesn’t mean we can minimize the necessity of the Passion of Christ. The following are some things to consider in the days ahead.

In the joy and celebration of the triumphal entry, don’t miss that Jesus wept over the city because they were blind to the real peace He was bringing. (Lk 19:41)

In the awe and wonder of His teaching, don’t miss that Jesus had to cleanse the Temple because of the dishonesty and perversion that the “religious” had created in it. (Lk 19:45)

In the reverence of the Last Supper, 

…don’t miss that Jesus was breaking bread with a man who would deny Him (Peter)

…don’t miss that Jesus washed the feet of men that would abandon Him (the disciples)

…don’t miss that Jesus shared the cup with a man that would betray Him (Judas Iscariot)

In the determination of the Garden Prayer,

…don’t miss that Jesus’ closest friends slept on Him in His most difficult moment

…don’t miss that Jesus’ prayer was not answered in the way He wanted

…don’t miss that Jesus submitted His will to the Father’s will

Don’t rush through the night of the trials of Jesus and miss…

…that Jesus was quiet in His mistreatment

…that Jesus was direct but not defensive when He did respond

…that Jesus looked directly at Peter after His third denial

…that Jesus submitted to the mistreatment in obedience to His Father’s plan

At the foot of the Cross,

…don’t miss that Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those that crucified Him

…don’t miss that granted salvation to the thief that believed

…don’t miss that Jesus thought of Mary as His life ebbed away

…don’t miss that Jesus felt the pain of the loss of His Father’s presence more than the nails

…don’t miss that the tearing of the veil from top to bottom opened the Holy of Holies

At the tomb,

…don’t miss that Jesus was truly dead

…don’t miss the seal and the guards posted outside to keep everyone out

…don’t miss the hurt, pain, and fear that fell on the disciples in that locked room

I want to encourage you to not turn the corner too soon. As easy and as exciting as it is to celebrate what was coming on Sunday, don’t fast-forward. Hang on in the Upper Room. Stand by as He prays in the Garden. Keep an eye out at the trials. Linger at His Cross. Sit outside His sealed Tomb. Take your place in a locked room with the disciples fearing for your life. This Easter, keep your eyes open, and don’t miss the beautiful details that led to that Powerful Resurrection Sunday. It is the Greatest Day in History! 

This year, make Holy Week a time of study, reflection, and simplicity. Take in everything leading up to Resurrection morning. Here is a Holy Week Guide I’ve put together for us.




ReadLuke 19:28-44 ReadMatt. 21:12-13ReadMark 11:22-26ReadMark 14:1-11ReadJohn 13:1-35ReadLuke 23:26-49ReadMatt 27:57-66
Reflect on the people’s response to Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in contrast to Jesus weeping over the city.Reflect on Jesus’ response to those who were plotting to destroy Him. Reflect on your prayer life today.Do you pray in faith? Is there anyone you need to forgive today?Reflect on the pain of betrayal today. If someone has turned on you or hurt you, Jesus knows your pain.Reflect on the New Commandment today from John 13:34-35.Read it several times as if it were written just for you.Reflect on the trials, brutal treatment, and crucifixion today. Jesus gave His life as payment for our sins. Linger at the cross.Reflect today on disillusionment in your life. The disciples were in darkness today. Have you been there?
Pray that you will respond properly to the Lordship and Peace of Jesus Christ.Pray that you might always “hang” on the teachings of Jesus and never avoid being a “doer” of the Word.Today is a great day to PRAY and FORGIVE.Let go of any bitterness that you might be holding on to.Pray that you can do as the scripture tells us and not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good.Pray that you would live out the New Commandment in all that you do. Spend extra time in prayer with Jesus in the Garden.Pray for an appropriate response to the cross in your life. Humility, gratitude, love, and reverence.Jesus loved you this much!Pray today that you would hold fast to the Words of Jesus when things aren’t going your way.
RESURRECTION SUNDAY: Celebrate a living Savior! Celebrate the power of His life in you! “He’s Alive!”