…for believers in the school to have a boldness as they live, love, and share the Gospel with their peers. (Matthew 28:19)

…that believers would walk in the Spirit. “…walk by the Spirirt, and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.” (Gal 5:16)

…that believers in this school will have a passion for God’s Word and that they will apply Biblical try to all areas of their life.

…that teachers and students will find their significance from who they are in Christ and live to please Him each day.

…that students and teachers will admit their own sin, practice forgiveness toward others and love others as Christ loves them.

…that students and teachers will live in an attitude of humility instead of pride.

…for students to show respect and obedience to their parents and to teachers and administrators.

…that believing teachers will faithfully love and minister to their students

…that God will give the administrators and Board of Education wisdom to make decisions that are pleasing in God’s eyes and best for our students and their future.

…that students will take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

…against the influence and deception of drugs, alcohol, ungodly music, and media.

…that students would not allow social media to influence them or distract them from a deeper relationship with Christ and kindness toward others.

…that students would use discernment when choosing their friends.

…that your church will serve this campus as a mission field and minister to students, families, teachers, and administrators.