The annual Truck-Loading for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes was held June 21-23, 2021. We collected $1,235 in gift cards, and close to 2,000 pounds of groceries and paper products. Donations were made by 10 churches and 14 individuals. We also received a large donation of groceries from God’s Breadbasket of Hogansville in conjunction with the Feeding the Valley food bank. Thank you to all who donated! We also had an eager group of volunteers to load all of these items on the trailer going to the Meansville Campus of Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes.
Photos above left: Trailer loaded with groceries and paper products
above middle: Volunteers James Robson, Joy Burnham, Anthony Hixon, Jaylen Williams, Angela Maddux Bernie Pasley, Jason Carol and Samantha Durand.
above right: Jaylen Williams and Jason Carol.