I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Turn that frown upside down!” Well, I’m here to challenge you and your church to “Turn that summer slump into a summer bump!” Dad, his ministry friends, mentors, and pastor friends have talked about the summer slump all my life and ministry. I have no doubt that it’s a real thing because I’ve seen it at churches I’ve served over the years. But that’s no reason to fold like a cheap suit! I believe we can and should turn it around! 

Summer is a great time to be refreshed, travel, and relax. But as you are going and doing, reflect on how you can make your church better by serving, sharing, and supporting all that is happening and all that will happen in the fall as we return to our regular schedule. 

Serving never goes out of style and never goes off the radar. It’s a way of life we are called to when we surrender our lives to following Jesus. He modeled servanthood for us by “giving His life away.” I want to encourage you to take some time to be refreshed, spend with family or friends, or just get away — BUT remember that you were saved to serve, so get back to what God has called you to as soon as you can both in your church and in your community.

As you go through the summer in your travels and activities, don’t forget that you are called to SHARE the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL. In fact, Jesus gave us the Great Commission to help us understand that we are to “make disciples” as we are going! 

We are the “body” of Christ. I shared recently in a message at Teaver Road that Jesus came to earth and took on an earthly body to live among us (body #1). He lived a sinless life in complete obedience to God the Father, even to “death on the cross.” After His resurrection, He ascended into Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to indwell believers. 

Why? So that we could be a part of His BODY (body #2). We ARE HIS HANDS, HIS FEET, and HIS EYES. Not only when we are at church but even more so when we are out in our daily activities. There’s no vacation from this wonderful privilege we have as those who have been redeemed and those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Don’t ever stop SHARING.

Finally, don’t forget to continue supporting your church through your presence and giving. Ministry doesn’t stop at our churches because it’s summer. In fact, the expenses are usually greater because of Vacation Bible School, summer events, higher utilities due to hot temps, and that aging HVAC unit that likes to take an unexpected break or altogether quits at the most inconvenient time. Ministry doesn’t stop because we are on summer vacation, so let’s not be slack in our support of the church personally and financially.

Philippians 2:5-8

5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 

How about we put on the mind, attitude, and heart of Jesus and declare,  

“If my church has a summer slump,
it won’t be because of me!” 

You are loved!