God’s Love FOR us became God’s Love AMONG us, SAVING us and DWELLING in us, so that His Love IN us can flow THROUGH us to bring His Love to the WORLD.

The Christmas story is an “unfolding” story. We see written in the Scripture all the way back to the garden and God’s response to the fall. It slowly unfolds down through the years until Jesus arrives in the busy town of Bethlehem to the Virgin Mary and her betrothed, Joseph. His humble and simple arrival was God’s Love dwelling among us!  

Although we live in a microwave culture where an impatient, hurry-up attitude drives us from one thing to the next, we will only experience the true meaning of Christmas if we settle in and open the precious gift one fold and piece of tape at a time. You know exactly what I mean if you’ve ever opened a well-wrapped gift from an expert gift wrapper. The way Kim wraps gifts is a masterful work of art, and I know there’s not only love in the gift but love in the wrapping as well.

GOD’S LOVE holds the unfolding story OF Hope, peace, joy and salvation together. 

After the fall, God’s redeeming plan was set in motion because He loved us so much that He pursued a relationship with us. God chose a people, and with a never-ending love, He set them apart from a pagan world, and with love, discipline, instruction, and a whole lot of grace, He made them into a nation. 

In dark days, God sent prophets with a message of HOPE for the coming of Jesus. Isaiah said, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great Light.” (Isaiah 9:2). This HOPE is not merely wishful thinking. It is a confident expectation resting on God’s sure promises. 

In troubled times, God sent Jesus to bring PEACE and, beyond that, to BE our PEACE. (Eph 2:14) When we were lost and dead in our sin Jesus came with LOVE and PEACE to reconcile God and man.

Then it happened! JOY to the world; God’s LOVE has come! The joy Jesus brought isn’t a short-lived, temporary feeling of happiness. No! His JOY stays! It works its way from the deep places of our hearts to the expressions on our faces. And even in weary, troubling, and sad times, His Joy keeps our hearts and minds.

Not only did God’s Love bring HOPE, PEACE, and JOY to the world, but in Jesus, God’s Love lived among us and revealed the nature and character of God. He was pure, sinless, loving, gracious, humble, faithful, and obedient – even to death on a cross. (Phil 2:8) All this was because of God’s great love. It’s the most incredible love story of all time.

In light of all this, let me encourage you not to rush through another beautiful Christmas season and miss the unfolding drama that led to Jesus’ arrival to bring salvation to us. God was not hurried, stressed, or pressured in His Gift, He was motivated by LOVE. 

As I’ve aged, I’ve learned to slow down and appreciate this most wonderful time of the year. I’ll listen to the Christmas Cowboy, Gene Autry. I’ll take in the lights as I ride around town. I’ll give and receive gifts from friends and family. But mostly, I’ll take the time to unwrap God’s special gift of Love to me in Jesus. I hope you will, too.

Merry Christmas & love to all